The Club has several of our own dinghies which we maintain ready for member’s use and we have a rescue boat with fully trained crew. Dinghy sailing takes place throughout the summer and the club facilities are also used by the Campbeltown Grammar School club.
For the attention of sailors wishing to take out Club dinghies without rescue boat cover.
If you take a Club dinghy out without a rescue boat you do so at your own risk. Any new member wishing to take out a Club dinghy must first speak with one of the Club dinghy instructors.
It is a Club rule that you must wear a suitable buoyancy aid or lifejacket. Please ensure that it is correctly fastened.
- You should be a fully paid up member of the Sailing Club.
- You should have reached a competent level of sailing to control a dinghy single-handed.
- You should check your boat and the rigging prior to going onto the water. If damage is sustained to the boat you are responsible for reporting it to a member of the Club committee.
- Wear suitable clothes for dinghy sailing, bearing in mind the difference between land and sea temperatures and the length of time you will be on the water.
- Let a responsible person know where you are, the length of time you are likely to be out and try to go with a partner.
- Stay within sight of the Clubhouse
… Good Sailing !!!!