Club sailing and racing

Racing calendar

The full racing calendar is available online here and can be downloaded as a pdf from this link. Races may be amended – please check the online calendar for details. Dates at the end of the season may be used to complete any series affected by bad weather. All races will be sailed under Clyde Yacht Clubs Association handicaps. Follow the link to Campbeltown Sailing Club Rules and Sailing instructions.


Racing marks and courses in Campbeltown Loch

This is the extension of the line between the centre of the orange V marker on the starter box and the orange transit pole at the top of the slip. The outer limit will be the north east corner of the New Quay.

This is the same line as the start line described above,
Boats may finish across any point on this line.

(Click the images to download .pdf copies)racing-marks

Below is a list of the courses used for club races.

Racing course sheet

Marks outwith loch

O Otterard Rock cardinal navigation buoy
K Kildalloig club mark